TIB structure
struct _TEB {
0x000 _NT_TIB NtTib;
0x01c void* EnvironmentPointer;
0x020 _CLIENT_ID ClientId;
0x028 void* ActiveRpcHandle;
0x02c void* ThreadLocalStoragePointer;
0x030 _PEB* ProcessEnvironmentBlock; /* In WinNT (incl. Win 2K, XP, and Vista), the most significant bit of the PEB pointer is typically never set, because high memory addresses are reserved for the OS. */ </b>
0x034 DWORD LastErrorValue;
0x038 DWORD CountOfOwnedCriticalSections;
0x03c void* CsrClientThread;
0x040 void* Win32ThreadInfo;
0x044 DWORD User32Reserved[26];
0x0ac DWORD UserReserved[5];
0x0c0 void* WOW32Reserved;
0x0c4 DWORD CurrentLocale;
0x0c8 DWORD FpSoftwareStatusRegister;
0x0cc void* SystemReserved1[54];
0x1a4 int ExceptionCode;
0x1a8 _ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_STACK ActivationContextStack;
0x1bc DWORD SpareBytes1[24];
0x1d4 _GDI_TEB_BATCH GdiTebBatch;
0x6b4 _CLIENT_ID RealClientId;
0x6bc void* GdiCachedProcessHandle;
0x6c0 DWORD GdiClientPID;
0x6c4 DWORD GdiClientTID;
0x6c8 void* GdiThreadLocalInfo;
0x6cc DWORD Win32ClientInfo[62];
0x7c4 void* glDispatchTable[233];
0xb68 DWORD glReserved1[29];
0xbdc void* glReserved2;
0xbe0 void* glSectionInfo;
0xbe4 void* glSection;
0xbe8 void* glTable;
0xbec void* glCurrentRC;
0xbf0 void* glContext;
0xbf4 DWORD LastStatusValue;
0xbf8 _UNICODE_STRING StaticUnicodeString;
0xc00 WORD StaticUnicodeBuffer[261];
0xe0c void* DeallocationStack;
0xe10 void* TlsSlots[64];
0xf10 _LIST_ENTRY TlsLinks;
0xf18 void* Vdm;
0xf1c void* ReservedForNtRpc;
0xf20 void* DbgSsReserved[2];
0xf28 DWORD HardErrorsAreDisabled;
0xf2c void* Instrumentation[16];
0xf6c void* WinSockData;
0xf70 DWORD GdiBatchCount;
0xf74 UChar InDbgPrint;
0xf75 UChar FreeStackOnTermination;
0xf76 UChar HasFiberData;
0xf77 UChar IdealProcessor;
0xf78 DWORD Spare3;
0xf7c void* ReservedForPerf;
0xf80 void* ReservedForOle;
0xf84 DWORD WaitingOnLoaderLock;
0xf88 _Wx86ThreadState Wx86Thread;
0xf94 void** TlsExpansionSlots;
0xf98 DWORD ImpersonationLocale;
0xf9c DWORD IsImpersonating;
0xfa0 void* NlsCache;
0xfa4 void* pShimData;
0xfa8 DWORD HeapVirtualAffinity;
0xfac void* CurrentTransactionHandle;
0xfb0 _TEB_ACTIVE_FRAME* ActiveFrame;
PEB structure
struct _PEB {
0x000 BYTE InheritedAddressSpace;
0x001 BYTE ReadImageFileExecOptions;
0x002 BYTE BeingDebugged;
0x003 BYTE SpareBool;
0x004 void* Mutant;
0x008 void* ImageBaseAddress;
0x00c _PEB_LDR_DATA* Ldr;
0x010 _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS* ProcessParameters;
0x014 void* SubSystemData;
0x018 void* ProcessHeap;
0x020 void* FastPebLockRoutine;
0x024 void* FastPebUnlockRoutine;
0x028 DWORD EnvironmentUpdateCount;
0x02c void* KernelCallbackTable;
0x030 DWORD SystemReserved[1];
0x034 DWORD ExecuteOptions:2; // bit offset: 34, len=2
0x034 DWORD SpareBits:30; // bit offset: 34, len=30
0x038 _PEB_FREE_BLOCK* FreeList;
0x03c DWORD TlsExpansionCounter;
0x040 void* TlsBitmap;
0x044 DWORD TlsBitmapBits[2];
0x04c void* ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
0x050 void* ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
0x054 void** ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
0x058 void* AnsiCodePageData;
0x05c void* OemCodePageData;
0x060 void* UnicodeCaseTableData;
0x064 DWORD NumberOfProcessors;
0x068 DWORD NtGlobalFlag;
0x070 _LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout;
0x078 DWORD HeapSegmentReserve;
0x07c DWORD HeapSegmentCommit;
0x080 DWORD HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
0x084 DWORD HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
0x088 DWORD NumberOfHeaps;
0x08c DWORD MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
0x090 void** ProcessHeaps;
0x094 void* GdiSharedHandleTable;
0x098 void* ProcessStarterHelper;
0x09c DWORD GdiDCAttributeList;
0x0a0 void* LoaderLock;
0x0a4 DWORD OSMajorVersion;
0x0a8 DWORD OSMinorVersion;
0x0ac WORD OSBuildNumber;
0x0ae WORD OSCSDVersion;
0x0b0 DWORD OSPlatformId;
0x0b4 DWORD ImageSubsystem;
0x0b8 DWORD ImageSubsystemMajorVersion;
0x0bc DWORD ImageSubsystemMinorVersion;
0x0c0 DWORD ImageProcessAffinityMask;
0x0c4 DWORD GdiHandleBuffer[34];
0x14c void (*PostProcessInitRoutine)();
0x150 void* TlsExpansionBitmap;
0x154 DWORD TlsExpansionBitmapBits[32];
0x1d4 DWORD SessionId;
0x1d8 _ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlags;
0x1e0 _ULARGE_INTEGER AppCompatFlagsUser;
0x1e8 void* pShimData;
0x1ec void* AppCompatInfo;
0x1f8 void* ActivationContextData;
0x1fc void* ProcessAssemblyStorageMap;
0x200 void* SystemDefaultActivationContextData;
0x204 void* SystemAssemblyStorageMap;
0x208 DWORD MinimumStackCommit;
typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA
0x00 ULONG Length; /* Size of structure, used by ntdll.dll as structure version ID */
0x04 BOOLEAN Initialized; /* If set, loader data section for current process is initialized */
0x08 PVOID SsHandle;
0x0c LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList; /* Pointer to LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure. Previous and next module in load order */
0x14 LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; /* Pointer to LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure. Previous and next module in memory placement order */
0x1c LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList; /* Pointer to LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure. Previous and next module in initialization order */
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